
Know-how from more than 1.500 national and abroad performances!
Thereby Mr.Joy customized his shows to many target groups and general conditions - wether on minimal 2 qm or stages drivable with trucks, whether behind many doors of prisons or the wideness of cruise ships. It would be obviously impossible to list all here! Therefore here only some easy to list examples...

ARD, SAT1, HR3, SÜDWEST3, B3, WDR, MDR, VOX, NBC, ERF, EV TV, B-TV, TM3, 6-part series for SAT7

SDR, SDR1, SWR4, SWF3, Radio1, HR3, Radio Campanele, ERF, Internationale Audio-Agentur

Mr. Joy

Cruise ships
MS Delphin, MS Paloma

Norway, Switzerland, Austria, France, Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Least/major Live-Audience
3 Persons (Schönau) / 40.000 Persons (Open Air in Prag)

Least/major stage
2x1 qm (Dahme) / Preussag Arena (Hannover)

Viewers comments say more than enumerations. So have a view at my guestbook.

Viewers Comments

»The atmosphere was extremely tense. You could feel how deeply the show touches you and the audience. I had goose bumps.«

More feedback and viewers comments in our guestbook.



Mr.Joy on your own PC: For wallpapers, click here.


For some pictures of Mr.Joy click here.


Moving Pictures of Mr.Joy: For videos click here.



Mr. Joy is ambassador for Compassion, click here.